Our snowfall this winter at the end of 2021 started out slow. We hadn’t seen much snow in November and through most of December. Then just before Christmas, it finally arrived. Here’s a quick update…
“This was one of the biggest storms I’ve ever seen here in Colorado and it didn’t stop snowing for more than ten days,” said Sage owner and director of operations, Cole Bangert. “By our measurements we had about ten feet of snowfall on the Sage private snowmobile mountain here.”
In case you’re not already familiar with our Colorado snowmobile trails and operation here at Sage Outdoor Adventures, we get to play on a 6,000-acre private mountain that’s bigger than Vail ski area. Backcountry snowmobiling in Colorado has never looked so vast, rugged, and snow-filled. Cole pointed out that Sage sits to the west of the Vail and Beaver Creek ski areas, where this mountain catches storms from a number of different directions.
“Of course sometimes they get more snow than we do, but out of this recent storm system when Vail was getting six to ten inches, we were getting 16 to 20 inches,” Cole added. “The snow has arrived and it looks like it’s going to be a fantastic rest of the winter. And obviously that will lead into a fantastic summer of rafting on the rivers when all this snow starts to melt.”
Learn more about Vail, Colorado snowmobiling with us, and check out the full video update from Cole here:
To learn more about our snowmobiling program, see this recent blog post for a quick overview. Not sure what to wear on your guided snowmobile trip? We’ve got answers to your questions in this video and blog post.
Whether it’s snowmobiling and enjoying the beauty of the Rocky Mountains in the winter, or an unforgettable time on the water while rafting next summer, we can’t wait to see you here soon. If you’re in the Vail Valley, give us a call or explore the rest of our website to book your next adventure.