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a couple of people that are sitting on a boat

It’s the dead of winter and it might seem like a long time until rafting season here in Colorado, but the Sage raft race team is hard at work, preparing for the Rafting National Championships in May!

The 2017 championship will be held in Oklahoma City from May 18th to May 20th as part of the Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival, which will also include canoe and kayaking competitions.

Throughout the winter months, the Sage white water raft racing team trains hard in, surprise, the pool. How does that work, you ask? With a bungee strap anchored to the side of the pool, the team can paddle in place, which provides great resistance training.

It may not be the same as barreling down wild rivers, but our team is serious about their training, and we are fired up to compete in the May championships!

No matter the time of year, we’re always working hard to plan our next rafting season here at Sage Outdoor Adventures. It’s part of what makes us one of Colorado’s best whitewater rafting companies. We monitor the winter weather to anticipate snowpack and the resulting runoff to give our guests the best experience possible. But no matter what the weather brings, we always look forward to getting out of the pool and having a great time with many of you out on the white water rivers of Colorado!

For more information on white water rafting in the Vail Valley and surrounding areas, please feel free to contact us!